Ce blog a pour objet de vous aider à pratiquer votre anglais au moyen d'articles et de vidéos, à la fois distrayants et éducatifs, liés à l'actualité des pays de langue anglaise.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

pause culture : the American dream

1 Le contexte
En ces temps de crise presque planétaire, les américains eux-mêmes se posent des questions sur le rêve américain, ou tout au moins sur la façon dont les américains vivent ce rêve pendant des périodes difficiles.
 Cet article se base sur une vidéo et un article du New York Times. Il vous permettra de revisiter ce thème souvent abordé sous l'angle de l'histoire ancienne mais peu souvent récente...
Bonne lecture visionnage!

2 Les documents
2.1 Defining the American dream

2.2 A poster

Source : http://sojo.net/sites/default/files/images/american-dream-poster.jpg 

2.3 Un article ici.

3 Let's make the most of it

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pause littérature et cinéma : The Great Gatsby

1 Le contexte

Gatsby le magnifique (1974) PosterThe Great Gatsby est sans nul doute un des chefs d’œuvre de la littérature américaine du 20ème siècle. Ce court roman est souvent étudié pour ce qu'il nous dit d'une époque (the Roaring 20s, the Jazz Age, the lost generation...) et parce que le personnage de Gatsby reste une des plus belles incarnations du rêve américain.
Cet article vous propose des documents liés aux adaptations cinématographiques du roman (la dernière ayant fait l'ouverture du festival de Cannes 2013) et du roman lui même.
Bonne lecture / visionnage !

2 Les documents
2.1 Film trailers et autres
"The Great Gatsby is a 2013 3D romantic drama film. It is an adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1925 novel of the same name. The film is co-written and directed by Baz Luhrmann, and stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire. The official Warner Bros. website says: "The filmmaker created his own distinctive visual interpretation of the classic story, bringing the period to life in a way that has never been seen before." It follows the life and times of millionaire Jay Gatsby (played by DiCaprio) and his neighbour Nick, who tells of his encounter with Gatsby in 1920s America. Warner Bros. says, "Nick is drawn into the captivating world of the super-rich, their illusions, loves and deceits."

Prior to this film there had already been a Broadway play and numerous film adaptations of F. Scott Fitzgerald's acclaimed novel. When Luhrmann was asked about the movie, he stated that he planned the remake to be more timely due to its theme of criticizing the often irresponsible lifestyles of wealthy people. It is perhaps a reflection of money in the early 21st century. The Great Gatsby was planned to be filmed in New York, where the novel is set, starting in June 2011. The director instead opted to have the principal photography happen in Sydney. Filming began on September 5, 2011, at Fox Studios Australia. The shoot finished on December 22, 2011, with additional shots filmed in January 2012."

2.2 Film reviews

2.3 Le roman
a) a book trailer and summary

b) a newspaper article on the novel

Found at ebookbrowse.com

2. Le cadre historique

a) the roaring twenties

b) the lost generation

c) the jazz age

d) America in the 20s
View more  ebooks on ebookbrowse.com

3 Let's make the most of it!