Ce blog a pour objet de vous aider à pratiquer votre anglais au moyen d'articles et de vidéos, à la fois distrayants et éducatifs, liés à l'actualité des pays de langue anglaise.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Pause pédagogie : Entrainement à la compréhension de l'oral : Climate Change Video

Comme promis voici une suggestion d'exploitation de la vidéo du précédent 'blog' pour un public de niveau B1+. Enseignants n'hésitez pas à envoyer vos propres suggestions d'exploitation. Élèves faites moi part de vos réflexions.
a) watch the video and find information about (situer le document, avoir une première compréhension globale du document)




Type of document

b) listen and spot all the words refering to global warming (partir du connu pour aller vers l'inconnu)

c) fill in the grid (construire sa compréhension : tenir compte du support image pour aider sa compréhension, tenir compte de ses connaissances sur le thème)
Pages from the book
Words heard
References to global warming
Page 1 : farm animals :

Heatwaves, ….. Very strange weather
Page 2 : a

Page 3 : a

Page 4 : a

d) The message :
What is the question asked by the little girl ?

What is the answer ?

What sort of books do parents usually read  for their young children at night ?

What can you say about this book ?

What is the answer given by the voice-over ? Who is the target audience ?

So, what is the message ?

e) Find the missing words (vérifier sa compréhension, limiter les zones d'ombre, inférer le sens des mots nouveaux, vérifier la prononciation)
There was once a …....................... where the weather was very, very ........................ There were awful heatwaves in some parts and in others terrible storms and floods.
Scientists said it was being caused by too much CO2 which went up into the ....................... when the grown-ups used ........................ They said the CO2 was getting dangerous, its effects were happening faster than they thought.
Some places could even disappear under the ....................... and it was the children of the land who had to live with the horrible consequences.
The grown ups realized they had to do ........................ They discovered that over 40% of the CO2 was coming from ordinary ....................... like keeping houses warm and driving cars which meant that maybe they would save the land for the children.
Young girl : Is there a ....................... ending ?
Voice over : It's up to us as how the story ........................ See what you can do. Search .......................for 'Act on CO2'

Underline the stressed syllable :
scientists, energy, effects, disappear, consequences, discovered, ordinary

Find other words with the same sound :


f) Read this short text, then comment on it in French or in English to prove your comprehension.

"The UK Government has raised the temperature with “Bedtime Story”, their climate change TV advert featuring a drowning puppy and rabbits dying of thirst. The Advertising Standards Authority in the UK is responding to 375 complaints about the impact of the commercial on young children and may recommend that the ad be shown after 9 pm only. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) launched the commercial as part of its Act on CO2 campaign." (source : http://theinspirationroom.com/daily/2009/act-on-co2-bedtime-story-ending/ )

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