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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Pause culture : lobbying, pressure groups, NRA

1 Le contexte
Cet article se propose de donner quelques éclairages sur ce qu'est le lobbying. Il vous propose ensuite ' a case in point' : le très puissant lobby des armes, la NRA.
A vous de vous faire une idée sur cet outil moderne de pression... Est-il un mal nécessaire? Faut-il le combattre? Quelles régulations apporter au lobbying?
De quoi proposer un débat passionnant à nos élèves...
2 Les documents
2.1 Vidéos

Lobbyists. The word sounds ominous, doesnt it? David takes a look at the influence peddlers working in the Minnesota State Capitol. (Commissioned by Twin Cities Public Television.)

Lobbying is a time-honored tradition in the United States, and it provides individuals, communities and private interest groups a powerful tool to directly advocate their beliefs to elected officials. But, as history has shown, this industry is also often vunerable to corruption at the highest levels - a fact that has led many groups to call for a massive reform - or outright abolishment - of lobbying.

A video from the American League of Lobbyists to educate the public about the importance of lobbying and lobbyists. Short version. http://www.alldc.org

2.2 Un exemple de groupe de pression : the NRA

Aired: January 16, 2013 on MSNBC. Morning Joe. The NRA released a new ad yesterday on the Sportsman Network cable TV channel and also online. It seems to make the case for turning public schools into armed camps. The ad also addresses the burning question of why Obama's daughters get secret service protection, but your kids don't. (Hint: It's because Obama is "elitist".)

2.3 Articles
BBC ici 
Interest groups in the US ici.
D'autres articles voir site Michelle Henry ici.

3 Let's make the most of it!

a) what is lobbying : à partir des documents ci-dessus donner une définition du mot
b) faire rechercher des arguments pour et contre le lobbying
c) faire faire un débat : sur le lobbying lui même, ou sur la NRA et gun control...

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