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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pause histoire : TV's biggest news moments of all time

1 Le contexte
La lecture de TV Guide Magazine a inspiré cet article. On peut y lire un top 60 des moments télévisuels  les plus importants de la télévision américaine, en ce sens qu'ils ont fait du téléspectateur un témoin privilégié de la marche du monde...
Je vous propose un premier article dans lequel je vous propose une première sélection de ces moments importants...

2 Les documents
2.1 Moonlanding (classé second dans l'article)

The video of the very first moon landing of the apollo 11 mission in 1969! Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon with his now legenday words "One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind."

2.2 Challenger explosion (classé 7ème)

January 28th, 1986 at 11:39am EDT - The Space Shuttle Challenger Explodes on its 10th flight during mission STS-51-L. The explosion occurred 73 seconds after liftoff and was actually the result of rapid deceleration and not combustion of fuel.

CNN was the only national news station to broadcast the mission live, so thus what you are witnessing on this video is the only coverage of the disaster as it happened when it did. Approximately 17% of Americans witnessed the launch live, while 85% of Americans heard of the news within 1 hour of the event. According to a study, only 2 other times in history up to that point had news of an event disseminated so fast - the first being the announcement of JFK's assassination in 1963, the second being news spread among students at Kent State regarding the news of FDR's death in 1945. It has been estimated at the time that nearly 48% of 9-13 year olds witnessed the event in their classrooms, as McAuliffe was in the spotlight.

The 25th Space Shuttle mission altered the history of manned space exploration and represented the first loss of an American crew during a space mission (Apollo 1 was during a training exercise).

2.3 Murrow's documentary Harvest of Shame

Watch the entire original broadcast of one of the most celebrated documentaries of all time, 1960's "Harvest of Shame," in which Edward R. Murrow exposed the plight of America's farm workers.

3 Let's make the most of it!

a) Space travel : utiliser ces deux extraits pour montrer les 'ups and downs' de la conquête spatiale.
Trouver des document sur space tourism et la conquête spatiale à l'avenir (mars)
Montrer en quoi la télévision a changé notre façon de voir le monde et comment ces deux 'moments in history' ont participé à cette nouvelle façon de traiter l'actualité

b) Le documentaire : un nouveau genre, en quoi celui-ci est-il unique? des exemples dans votre pays... En quoi ont-ils changé l'opinion des gens?
Une version courte ici :

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