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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pause culture : Steve Biko

1 Le contexte
Lorsqu'on évoque les personnalités marquantes de l'Afrique du Sud, le nom qui nous vient tout de suite à l'esprit est celui de Nelson Mandela et ce à juste titre. 
Mais pour cet article, c'est Steve Biko, une autre personnalité marquante de la lutte contre l'apartheid que vous pourrez redécouvrir à travers différents documents.

"Stephen Biko (18 December 1946 – 12 September 1977) was an anti-apartheid activist in South Africa in the 1960s and 1970s.
A student leader, he later founded the Black Consciousness Movement which would empower and mobilize much of the urban black population. Since his death in police custody, he has been called a martyr of the anti-apartheid movement.While living, his writings and activism attempted to empower black people, and he was famous for his slogan "black is beautiful", which he described as meaning: "man, you are okay as you are, begin to look upon yourself as a human being".
Despite friction between the African National Congress and Biko throughout the 1970s the ANC has included Biko in the pantheon of struggle heroes, going as far as using his image for campaign  posters in South Africa's first non-racial elections in 1994." (source Wikipedia)

2 Les documents
2.1 A song by Peter Gabriel (in 1987, five years before the end of apartheid)

2.2 A film by Richard Attenborough, Cry Freedom

2.3 Information about Steve Biko and the Black Consciousness Movement

3 Let's make the most of it
Pour découvrir l'Afrique du Sud de Nelson Mandela et de Steve Biko, je vous propose -après avoir consulté les documents ci-dessus- de regarder la démarche de travail / découverte proposée à mes élèves de lycée ici...

Vous pourrez enfin ajouter des éléments sur la bio de Steve Biko en consultant le trailer de Cry Freedom.

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